That light is probably a bit weak for 15g.
If the tank is brand new and you put the polyps in they're probalby less in shock from lack of light than they are from the fact that it's a new tank that hasn't finished it's cycle yet. I couldn't keep star polyps alive for anything in the same setup I have now, when I had the 55g tank in place of the upgraded 75g. They seem to be doing great in my 75g now though.
How did you acclimate them to the new tank? Dripline, or just throw them in? They're probably in shock. They may slowly recover, or it may be too much and they may not come back out at all. It's pretty much too early to tell. I'd say it's no normal for them to stay receded for two days if everything is healthy, but, everything in my 55g, was healthy and I could never get them to thrive, so I don't know.
I'd upgrade the lights to at least 55w-65w for that size tank. And don't stick anything else in there until the tank finishes it's cycle.