starting 7


New Member
Im starting the 7 this weekend. Here is my question. If i use all water from my established 20 plus sand and cheato for the 7's refugium and 4 inches of new sand how long will the cycle take?


New Member
leaffish75 said:
Im starting the 7 this weekend. Here is my question. If i use all water from my established 20 plus sand and cheato for the 7's refugium and 4 inches of new sand how long will the cycle take?
It'll probably be quite a bit faster, if you're using livesand, liverock, and water from an established tank, but you'll probably still have a small one from the anaerobic bacteria die off you'll have in the live sand. I would guess it'd probably be over in a few days, to a week, but I'd still test the water before putting livestock in it.
