Starfish question


New Member
Alright, so I'm thinkin about adding a starfish to the 20g tank, done some research, and I think I've come to find that the best option for a reef tank is the Orang Linkia Star.

Was wondering if anybody had heard anything about them, or if anyone has one. Suggestions???

Sugar Magnolia

New Member
I consulted Bob Fenner's Reef Invertebrates book for a little more info on the linckia species and cuised online for some more info. It seems that the orange linckia is one of the harider of the linckia species but there are some things you need to do to ensure you get a healthy specimen. Fenner suggests observing the behavior and eating habits of the star you want to purchase for 2 to 4 weeks prior to pruchase to ensure that it is a healthy specimen.

Once you've done that and are sure it's healthy, it needs a very slow acclimation with extreme care not to expose the star to air at all. They are very senstitive to water quality so be sure you're params are in check. Some linckias can be very picky eaters, so be sure the one you choose is offered food during the observation period so you can see what it's eating and if it will eat.

They like alot of LR in the tank and like to be fed often.


New Member
Great!! Thanks alot, I'll keep all that in my mind while I try to make my decision. i've got plenty of live rock, so that won't be a problem, and water parameters are all in check, so I'll probaly end up purchasing the organge. Thanks Again!!!!


New Member
The orange linkias tend to be a bit hardier than the blue or purple. At least that's what I've been told by a couple of the LFS owners that I actually trust. Sometimes it's hard to wait for an animal for a couple weeks, especially if the store seems hesitant about putting them on hold for you, and/or if they're a particularly nice specimen. One technique I heard about to test if a star is healthy is to ask to have one of the workers turn it over on it's back. If it's able to right itself fairly quickly then it's probably doing ok. If it takes a really long time, or if it can't, don't buy it. This is just hearsay from one of the workes at the LFS. Apparently someone in town is a big starfish afficianado and this is one of the things he has them do before purchasing any. It kinda makes sense to me.



New Member
I think I would like to just ask them to do that to a chocolate chip star, just to see it do it. hummm.

We got a Bali red star instead of the linkia partially for how small it is. He travels all over the rocks, glass, sand. Never goes below the sand, and we have never had to actually feed it. Really cute to for when it get mad it has black spines come out of its body. It is not swift mover like brittles, but it will surprise you how fast it can move without looking like it is moving.


New Member
Narkon'n'more said:
I think I would like to just ask them to do that to a chocolate chip star, just to see it do it. hummm.

We got a Bali red star instead of the linkia partially for how small it is. He travels all over the rocks, glass, sand. Never goes below the sand, and we have never had to actually feed it. Really cute to for when it get mad it has black spines come out of its body. It is not swift mover like brittles, but it will surprise you how fast it can move without looking like it is moving.
Pic? I don't think I've seen anything labled a bali red star. I wish that red generals didn't eat coral, some of them are amazing. Although they get big enough that it probably wouldn't do all that great in my tank.


New Member
Here are the only two I have online.

We got it from Global, and it only gets about 2" total. Serigo told us to get it, then we went to Kenny's and Kenny told us we got a good star to.
But it does not turn over your sand bed for you. And every where it goes, I can't see what it has eaten.