Spots on Cleaner Shrimp


New Member
Alright, i've had this shrimp for about 6-7 months now, i've noticed these several times in the past, and then in about a week after discovery, they disappear. I was thinking maybe that they show up right before the shrimp molts, and that explains why they come and go, but I'm not sure. Anybody have any ideas????


New Member
Sorry, I didn't specify in my post......I'm talking about the little black spots that run along the shrimps body up next to the legs.....anybody now what these are????


New Member

I've read this that sounds like your case... ... 601&t=3586

Then I found this, which was kind of inconclusive but speculates a few things as to what they may are ... mfaqii.htm

I hope these sites help. To me this is the first I heard of it, and I just got one for my girlfriend about a week ago or so. So far so good and no spots. Only thing I could advise among from what I read is to keep your iodine up for them to properly molt.


New Member
Yeah, i think i'm sort of in the same boat as the guy, i've seen em' on the shrimp before, but when molting comes, they seem to disappear with the old shell. I dose with KentMarine Iodine once a week, so i don't think Iodine deficiency is the problem. Don't know.....but he seems to act, and eat like normal even when the spots are showing, so they don't seem to be effecting his health....any other ideas????


New Member
I'm fresh out of suggestions, other than ask your LFS. They may have more info. Also another idea just popped in....another source you should try is ReefCentral. Try and search there, I'm sure there has been somebody whose mentioned the problem there. If you come up with blanks, post up and ask.