spaghetti finger question


New Member
does anybody know how spaghetti finger leather reproduces? my sflc is out growing my 20L . i would like to get rid of it but would like to keep a smaller one and so on...


New Member
I think most leathers are fragged by just cutting off a section/arm and gluing it onto a piece of rubble. You should be able to 'prune' it back, and sell off the frags.

I haven't done any fragging though, so I can't tell you exactly how it's done. You should be able to find lots of info on it though if you do a search on RC.



Yea, you can cut it with a razor and attach the frags. I usually do 1 cuttin at a time and allow the adult to recover before the next cut but I know people who frag more aggressively then that with success. I also don't use glue - I use a needle and thread most often because I've had trouble with rubber bands in the past.


New Member
i think il try to cut a frag off soon and as soon as it takes im going to try to cut the adult off the LR and putting it on a smaller piece. i would hate to get rid of a large piece of LR. if it doesnt work it doesnt work. any suggestions. will the piece i leave on the large LR grow back? or die off? thanks for the great info


One option would be to try to cut/scape it off at the base/rock as close as possible trying to take a little rock with it. I have moved leathers and capnella that self propagated to adjacent rocks where I didn't want them in that manner. Then reattach it to a smaller rock you can place wherever you want. Whether it regrows or not depends on how hardy it is and how much base is left as well as water quality. I haven't worked with that particular species, but I have had similar types regrow from very small cuttings, but I've also had bases just die back when I removed as much of the piece as I could.


New Member
thanks for the info. i think ill try tonight to frag a piece off SFLC and see how it does. ill keep everyone informed.