ok sorry that it was so choppy I was not feeling well last nite
and this morning I also am not the mose eligent typer
here is what happened
we had a damsel that was picking on another fish really bad
he shredded the fins of 2 others
so we felt that he needed to come out and go to a qt tank
but by the time we had got him out it was almost 2 hours we had
to dismantle the tank . the tank got really cloudy and we couldnt see 3 inches in , we ran 2 filters that usually clear the tank up compleatly with in
hours but not so yesterday , we ran them for up to 5 hours with no
noticable diffrence ( alot of smells that dont bother other people will
bother me in a negitive way that is why I got sick ) this time the cloudiness seemed diffrent and I cant really explain why this is so .
so my husband took a bag of rock in h20 to the local pet store
they have had years of experience with salt tanks he said it smelled normal . I took all h20 out and put in about 4 - 6 cups of old h20 and put back into
the tank , to help seed it we emptied out all old sand did not wash
any thing off we did rinse it in old water from the tank
we tried to match all of the perameters and know that we will have a cycle at some point I just hope it is not big . The fish did eventually get pulled dispite all that work he did not survive , he had survived many things such as ick and some minor trauma but this he could not survive
as of 10pm est last nite the tank was up and the fish reacclimated to their
new water perameters as was the coral , we dripped them for about 3 hours now they are back in their tank eating and seemingly happy ,
tho I know that we have to watch them closely .
thanks to all that helped sometimes us newbies need alittle reassurance that all will be ok , it can be a little hairy at times and well the more experienced ones have been there and done that ,again thanks sadie