some pics from my nano


New Member
Hi all, new here

just wanted to post some pics i took from a nano im setting up for a mantis shrimp. Im running an olympus 540 so they arent great, but they're decent pics:

I plan to add a Mantis, prob a N. Wennerae, and if i can i hope to get a Percula. Im not sure if the mantis will try to take the clown, we'll see (hopefully it wont).


New Member
I think your pics look nice and sharp. Good job. I like the look of your tank. What's the cylinder in the back? Is it a thermometer?


New Member
Welcome to :gh:

What was the size of you tank again? How long has it been up? Looks pretty good so far. I like the variety in your rock. Looks like some Marshall Island and Tonga pieces too.


New Member
The tank is relatively new, photo was taken recently, only about a week after the cycle showed signs of finishing. Granted I added about 20+lbs of LR, so the cycle period was relatively small. The LR is arcopora, branch, and Tonga or Marshall (cant remember). I didn’t bother to get some LS, the LR will seed it eventually. You can check out for the progress under the “nano discussionâ€


New Member
Hey COP:
just wanted to say that your tank is looking good. i'm sure your mantis will like it once you get it.

enjoy the hermits while you got them :twisted:


New Member
chunksofpoooo said:
The tank is relatively new, photo was taken recently, only about a week after the cycle showed signs of finishing. Granted I added about 20+lbs of LR, so the cycle period was relatively small. The LR is arcopora, branch, and Tonga or Marshall (cant remember). I didn’t bother to get some LS, the LR will seed it eventually. You can check out for the progress under the “nano discussionâ€


New Member
here are some pics from a dude who wants to give me his mantis. Im unsure of what type it is, maybe a spearer from the looks of it
(Lysiosquillid or something). Its only about 3inches long. Ill ask on reef central.



New Member
pretty hard to tell from the pics, but it looks like a smasher to me... looks a lot like a n. wenn.


New Member
could possibly be, i'll be honest and say that i'm not an expert at IDing them.

where did you get the info about n. wenns being restricted to 2 colors? i'd like to research that.


New Member
no real research, every wennerae ive seen has been brown or/and green, just a general assumption. The main reason i didnt think it was an N. Wennerae was because of the shape of the eyes, I thought wennerae have more rounded eyes? Looks sorta like a Gonodactylaceus to me


New Member
This is a great project. Keep us updated with pics and your mantis decision.

Maybe I need a mantis tank?? :goodevil:


New Member
ok, opihi, your right. Its a N. Wennerae. Never seen colors like this though, so im really excited. :mex: <--- indicates me being excited


Active Member

That mantis looks scary; :shock: I've seen them a lot smaller and with much more green in them...

This one looks like he broke out of San Quintin.



New Member
Here are some new pics (its been a while). The mantis shrimp idea kinda fell through when we bought a pygmy octopus.

Here is some Goniopora

Some more of the mushrooms:

The not-so-emerald green crab hiding in the polyps:



New Member
Just a regular old Olympus540. Buck for buck, its prob one of the best cameras around (its only like $150). 3.2MP with a bunch of options