Snail Poop... what eats it?


New Member
Hey everyone. My snails have been doing a great job cleaning my liverock of algae... too good in fact that my sand bed is now littered with little snail poop pellets... lol. I know it's natural... but it's a bit unsightly. Know of any good detritus feeders that would feed on the poo? Sorry, i'm trying to maintain decorum here, and i guess this might be a silly question, but to prevent the poo from contributing to the pesky nitrogen problem, what can I do about this situation?


New Member
well i never heard that the snails poo will cause a nitrogen problem but a good one to move your live sand are the nassarius snails they will take care of that and also alot of flow so your filtermedia takes care of that ...


New Member
Basically, the water flow should be strong enough to put the poo into suspension so that the filter can remove it. Granted, some areas are hard to get that kind of flow, so while you are doing your water change you can siphon it may get a little bit of sand while trying to do this, that is no big deal.
