Slug ID?


New Member
I've only seen this a few times in my 2.5. I assume he hitchhiked in. I don't think its doing any damage. Its very small, ~.5", and has two antennaes and a brownish cover that looks like a shell but I believe its soft. It is def. not a nudi. Any ideas?



New Member
Thanks. Thats what I was thinking. I don't have any more of these in any of my tanks. They are pretty cool.

I love hitchhikers!


New Member
here's an interesting link talking about the various snails we buy as cleanup crews. THe one you have dj is much like ones I've had in the little pico (when I used to have it up) I didn't like them, although they ate algae, if ever you pissed them off or moved something, they'd start spitting out this milkish white stuff that looks like "man juice" and my tank as small as it was once, it made the water all cloudy. He did it a couple of times, then I got fed up with him and flushed him, ha ha. Well anyway here's the link...


New Member
lol Dragon. The "man juice" was "man juice". That is how they reproduce. The females release the eggs into the water column, the "man juice" just follows suit.


Active Member

I have several in my 2nd cube. And I love them, they really like to eat algae from the back of the tank. I've transfered one over to my SPS tank when the algae got bad, he did a great job.

But I will tell you this, they don't like to be picked up like other snails with shells, they will fight with you by trying to stick hard to the surface. End result is me pushing him all the way up until he comes off.

I nick named them sea hairs, because there long atteneas look like bunny ears.
