Sleepy or Sad???

Master Er

New Member
Why is my capnella doing this? Mostly when the lights are off....sleeping? LOL!!! And sometimes the branches shrink and the trunk inflates up. It has grew by about 1/2 an inch since I bought it less than a month ago.


Master Er

New Member
Well I thought about that but the picture I posted was during the day. Probably once or twice a day it does that. I know that its healthy since it has grown abit. But it just worries me to see it do that. Maybe tired from standing up... :lol: . I'll monitor it closely and see what gives.


New Member
my spaghetti finger does the same thing....i though it wa just triing to get closer to a current or better light...JMO not sure if its either one

Master Er

New Member
drty811- would you know what "knuckling" means? In relevance to fragging capnella's or leathers. I was told that these guys "knuckle".


New Member
never heard of it...havent been in the hobby long enough to know most of the terms.
when i fraged my spaghetti finger in curlied up almost like a knuckle, my xenia does the same thing when i frag it......your guess is as good as mine

Master Er

New Member
I want to frag my capnella but I dont know how to....I've read a bit but still am not sure....I dont want to kill it.


New Member
you can cut the smaller branches off with a new razor blade and rubber band it to a piece of LR. it shouldnt take long for it to take to the LR. you wont kill it, a new branch will start to grow for the cut spot.


New Member
Mine does the same nearly every night. Usually it stands right back up once the lights come on, but sometimes it seems to go for a day or two kinda limp, then reverts back to the 'normal' routine. As far as I can tell there's nothing unhealthy about it, and it's been doing it for nearly 2yrs. I wouldn't worry about it.



add a little current (back and forth) it shouldn't close up during the day time like that in general, however they will sometimes close up for an extended period (a couple days) but not as often or dramatic as leathers do, and they do close up completely at night. That term knuckle I used when I was trying to describe the natural branchlet dropping repro that capnella and other neptheids will do. On the branch a natural "break point" will form and the tissue on each side heals (looks like a knucle) while still attached till the branch simply falls off. If you want to you can cut it like I described in an earlier thread - real easy to do.


Master Er

New Member
Hey John!!! I would have asked you but I felt that i've asked you alot about it in the past and didnt want to bother you. :oops:
Okay so thats what it meant. If you look at the photo above, see the branch on the top part of the photo, that branch looks odd (well not so much in the photo) compared to the other branches, it looks more like it making another branch...or is it about to break off?


no, I think that it is just a new branch forming - my lights went out already and my camera won't take actinic only pics - tomorrow if I get a chance I'll post a pic for you on this thread showing exactly what I mean. And no bother I like hanging out in here, talking reefs, checking pics, and helping if I can.


hi master er
here are a couple pics - very poor quality but maybe you'll see what I'm talking about. The first one has a branch just about ready to fall (the one leaning downward and partialy closed up) and the second is where a knuckle is forming ( the white spot) and the branch beginning to seperate from the adult.


Master Er

New Member
Thanks John, so thats how they look when about to fall. I saw some like that in my LFS, I thought they were dying. Now thats new to know. As for the knuckling, its a bit blurred but thats fine, I somehow get the picture. Thanks for the info that you have provided.