skimmer time


New Member
Depends on your tank. Mine is running all day except for feedings. But when I get my clams I will start to back down on the skimming.


New Member
TimSchmidt said:
Depends on your tank. Mine is running all day except for feedings. But when I get my clams I will start to back down on the skimming.
OK Tim you hooked me - Why would you back down on skimming because of clams? Do they possess some quality I'm not aware of?


New Member
They are bivalve and feed from the water column. If I skimmed every organic out of the water column the clam wouldn't be eating as well as it could, my plan is to not have to spot feed them. Just fyi I will the derasa and squamosa clams both of which are not the highest light requiring clams and can both reach 20 some odd inches or larger. I won't get rid skimming just cut to maybe a 12 or 16 hour skim time. Maximas and croceas are more light dependent (and brighter coloring), but I love the look of the big clams.





New Member
TimSchmidt said:
They are bivalve and feed from the water column. If I skimmed every organic out of the water column the clam wouldn't be eating as well as it could, my plan is to not have to spot feed them. Just fyi I will the derasa and squamosa clams both of which are not the highest light requiring clams and can both reach 20 some odd inches or larger. I won't get rid skimming just cut to maybe a 12 or 16 hour skim time. Maximas and croceas are more light dependent (and brighter coloring), but I love the look of the big clams.
So - does the use of Activated Carbon also have a negative effect on their food supply?