skimmer pump


New Member
I have a skimmer that uses the beckett method. I was wondering if i could hook up my cascade canister to it and use that as the pump. the cascade is rated for 300 gph. I plan on not putting any thing in the canister filter. If not what about a 250 gph pump?


Staff member
A Beckett injector needs alot of flow, I had one hooked up to a Mag 9.5 and it worked fairly. Most people that use Becketts recommend at least a 1200 gph pump in order for them to draw air in properly. I woundn't think that running a pump through anything that would cut back on the flow would be a good idea in this application.


Staff member
Either of those will work with a smaller pump. Are you building s kimmer from scratch or are you attempting to modify an exhisting skimmer? If your modding what model is it that you are trying to rework?