simple 20 gal plumbing plan, now pics worked :)



My 1st post, I've been reefing for about 15 years, but just built another new tank. The plumbing idea may be of some use to someone so I thought I would post it. It's a simple closed loop with 5 gals of a 20 tall acting as the sump. This system ensures no overflow problems during power outages and can be made by anyone with some acrylic and pvc pipes. The "surround sound" piping ensures turbulent random current. sorry but I can't give a price because I had all the parts just laying around. I've included a couple pics and would be willing to discuss details should anyone be interested.
opps can't get pics to attach???????????? anyone know what I'm doing wrong?



New Member
Hi welcome to the form
I cant answer you on the plumbing plan but try the do it yourself form
again welcome


New Member
pictures are only to be 256 kb in size. Try resizing them and lowering the resolution to about 60 to 100 dpi. It'll work then


New Member
This looks pretty cool. Do you just have holes drilled randomly on the bottom of the pvc on the 'tank' side of the overflow? I really like the idea. If I were going to do it I might try black or blue acrylic and create some baffles, but it's nice and simple this way. My boss has a very similar setup on his 180, with these things coming off the plumbing to help randomize the current.

B ... Wavemaking


yea i drilled the 1/4" holes kinda up down up down to maximize the effect. I have a similar flow rod in my 125 but it doesn't circle the tank - I think this will be better. Yea colored acrlilic would be much better but i didn't have any at the time. I have it filled with water and its working great. Baffles would also help to run a carbon chamber - I may just play a little yet.


New Member
I think it's a very elegant design.
I liked how tight your plumbing is to the top. I generally have a hard time getting the plumbing that precise. I waste a lot of PVC and connections. :mrgreen:
