Sick Firefish - Please help


New Member
Hi Guys,

My Filefish is not doing too well, He seems to have slowed down and does not eat any more. I have had him for a week now. In the pass two days he is hiding all the time in my LS and does not move around much. I was able to net him with out the fish running away on me.

Here is a picture of him.

Should I give up or is there some thing I could give him.





New Member
Make sure that he has a hidey hole like pvc pipe to go into to keep him from stressing ....... it is good that you put him into qt try to figure out WHAT he has before medicating , you may try to use garlic to stimulate his feeding . 1/2 -1 clove garlic crushed with his food in a small cup of tank water let steep no more than 1/2 hour . Also try selcon for the fatty acids ....keep water quality high , absolutely pristine try to keep him from stressing , an airstone to help move water and a filter to clean the water small daily water changes imo also NO sand this should be absolutely bare bottom other than a pvc pipe to hide in . Add no meds till you are sure if he has something . Others here may be of help but do not give up on him ! Good luck and keep us posted


Active Member

From the picture it looks like an ammonia or nitrite hit him and hit hime hard, does he have rapid breathing or are his gills look enflated?

When they get hit by this type of stress they gasp for air by opening there mouths more than normal.

Depending on how long he stayed in these conditions it might be irreversible damage; but if you caught him early you have a greater chance of bringing him back.

The QT was the best method on bringing him back, you also need water movement to break the surface of the water to create a rich oxygen evironment. Like a HOB filter.

I would also give him a pvc pipe to hid in and see if his stress reduces and he comes around.

What are your water parameters any new founds you added any contimination you can think of? Let us know everything you know and we can take it from there.

I hope he pulls through.... They are very becautiful but delicate fish....



New Member
Hi guys,

Thanks for the help but, I put in my QT, with some meds I had on hand (PrimaFix). He was not doing good he was no his side. Then he died.

It is too bad I liked that fish, but at lease I pulled him out of the tank before he died. My other fish are still doing well.

I just tested my water this afternoon it was great.
(Ammonia = none, nitrite = None, PH = 8.2, salt = good, calcium = good, nitrite = 5MG, Temp 27C)

