Shroom Question


New Member
I noticed today as I was walking past the tank this shroom. All the others on the rock are normal looking. Just figured I would ask to see if anyone knew what it was doing. It looks cool doing whatever it is doing tho :smile: .



New Member
I'd guess

I would might say it's trying to move around where there's better lighting, or perhaps to split or something. Not entirely sure. I barely started with a green mushroom, and it likes to move around, and when it begins to it does that stretching thing i see from your pic. hope this helps a bit.


New Member
Hey Jennie, you got any more of those little suckers to trade? Maybe for a green hairy shroom? :mrgreen:


New Member
Just give me a hollar when you get settled in and are ready for a trade! I'll start putting them on some rubble for you.


Active Member

Hey you are suppose to trade with me first or did you forget, remember you wanted my orange button polyps .... :smile: Just kidden but I would like to trade...

Take a look at my recent pics and let me know what you like to have, I think it's nice to trade, cause we do get bored in this hobby if we don't have some change ...
