

New Member
hey guys--i just would like to thank all of you guys for your help and great information. my nano tank is doing so great!

i just have another annoying question

i have a pistol shrimp in my tank which is doing well burrying himself in every hole posssible. my question is that i was curious in knowing if i can add another shrimp in my nano --like a cleaner shrimp-
do you gys think they would fight or would they be ok-


risky, to mix diferent shrimp in small tank, but depending on type.......maybe?????


New Member
well the pistol shrimps are always burrowed, and come out only to eat, from what I've seen. A cleaner shrimp tends to stay high, and on the rocks, usually behind it. I am sure they can get a long. Good luck


New Member
I think your pistol hunts at night. He is going to know what and where your other inhabitants are. He's a loaded gun, not trust worthy if you ask me. I had problems with a pistol and a mantis. They win most battles. I really hate them. Of course, if that's all you big deal.