

New Member
Has any one wittnessed a shrimp molt . Our cleaner is having a difficult molt , or appears to be having difficulty , he has molted in the past with out incident but this time seems to be having a hard time . I do h20 changes 1 x a week at 30 percent per change . Not too sure if he will make it or not . Just curious to know what others have experienced .


New Member
mine had a problem peppy's. they do alright now cause i suppliment iodine. the reason for mine having the problem was due to the low iodine level. havent had a problem since. hope this helps somewhat.


New Member
what brand do you use , and how much do you dose
I thought frequent h2o changes usually kept Iodine levels up
can store brand first aid iodine help


New Member
Kent has an iodine suppliment. It depends on what your test readings are verses what you should dose. Do you have a test for this?


New Member
nope but you are right on about test first I have to find that item here locally no one here carries it ? but my sister in law can get it in ohio for me and bring it in when they come for thanksgiving .. I was just curious how easy it is to dose ... Our levels should be good we do 20 % changes aweek today I did 30 % to help boost our traces ..... once a month I do a 30%on both tanks the other 3 weeks 20%. :)


New Member
You should be good with the amount of WCs that you are doing, but testing is always a good idea. Keep us posted.


New Member
My old coral banded shrimp used to molt every single time I dosed Kent's Iodine. It was pretty funny. I even started using a lot less but he still molted.

I bet that will help the poor guy.


New Member
even with WC's my iodine tested i was dosing 2-4 drops every week. i got rid of my peppy so i didnt have to dose after that.


New Member
You can also try Iodide, that's stuff is safe. As if you overdose with iodine, it can kill. Iodide you can add a little more than the recommended and nothing bad happens. I used Iodide , and my shrimps and crabs dont have any problems molting.

When high levels of iodine start getting up there, it kinda forces the shrimp/crab to molt. I think Dj was having too much fun dosing there and watching his CBS undress, haha, bad dj! :lol:


New Member
Thanks dragon
I cant get ahold of a test kit here so I may have to go blindly into this , I cant order right now on line due to the card expired and I havent decided to renew so I will check our lfs for that stuff so far he is hanging tough