shrimp at night with moon light on


New Member
i have just recently noticed at night under the moon light there was these clear things swimming around close to top of the tank. so i looked closer and its clear that they are some type of shrimp because you could see there back legs fluttering. and im prertty sure that there not mantis shrimp. like i said there clear and body shape is similar to pepermint shrimp. if any body can give me any idea of what type of shrimp it is or even if they are shrimp. i will try to get some pics of these things. oh and one thing to note when i turned the light on to look closer they went to the sand. it gave me a closer look and they looked like shrimp.


New Member
they could be mysis shrimp..... or peppermints....or another species of shrimp. mantis and pistols dont tend to swim around the tank. HTH


Staff member
Do you have any shrimp in the tank that could have had babies? Otherwise I would suspect mysis shrimp or some kind of pod, either of which is a good sign.


New Member
no i have no shrimp in the tank at all, thanks for answering these noob questions of mine. and im glad its a good sign. thanks for the replys


New Member
Was it an amphipod?
I was freaked out when i saw one for the first time. Sometimes my wrasse will catch them and eat them. Some of them are really tiny but others can get to be about 1/2 inch long. They really come out at night.
you are going to notice a cyle that over time different little creatures are going to show up. It is quite amazing. Salt Water. you gotta love it.


New Member
yea i do have amphipod, and i have mysis shrimp aswell that come out at night, yea it is pretty cool. yea i love it this whole saltwater pico.