should mr. spaghetti worm be moved?


New Member
just got a nice zooanthid colony today and on the bottom of the rock is a long spaghetti worm tube. he's already nice and active, and is nifty, but i'm not sure if i should put the colony lower in the tank so he's closer to the sand and he can sift and eat crab and snail poop? i also wonder if, as i add more coral, if he's better near the bottom so the coral is above him and he has less chance to disturb it?

i know zoo's tend to like bright light and water movement, so i had them up higher...

any thoughts? thanks!

p.s. any other thoughts on my coral placement or rock formation are welcome as well; so far just have the xenia, tree, and the zoo's.



New Member
ok, nevermind, it seems he decided to move himself! he has now protruded his body out of the case on the rock and slithered downwards. so i couldn't move the rock if i wanted to i think. which is fine, i like it where it is! (and man, the mushroom corals look darn nifty under the actinic bulb and moonlights!)