Setting up a 24G nano... PRE-Fish Set up!


New Member
Hello! I'm new to the world of keeping fish - I love visiting them via SCUBA, but this is my firt forray into having them vist me...
I just got a 24g Nano and have discovered that there are 3 chambers in the back. The 1st has 2 large sponges, the 2nd has 1 sponge, a charcoal bag, a bag of acrylic tubes, and bio balls, and the 3rd has a pump. I don't seem to grasp the 2nd chamber's set up - is there a specific order to put these things in there? And the Bioballs are floating around - I am keeping the water level low enough so that they don't float to the next chamber, but have read that water is supposed to drip through them...!! Lastly, on some of the other posts I have read that people put their heating elements in the 3rd chamber - any input on this? Does it work as well as if it was placed in the tank? I rather like the idea of having it 'hidden' but want to set up my soon-to-be fish's home in the best possible way!
I'm excited to join this new and exciting world - but need to do what is best for my new little friends... Thank you for your input!


New Member
The light bulbs came with the nano - I checked at the time and are appropriate for coral, although I was told that until I get the tank established I should consider running only 1 light.