Seahorses...Yes? No? Maybe so?


New Member
Hey guys,

What are the best circumstances for having seahorses in your tank? I am just starting a 12g nano, and I'm wondring if having seahorses are a smart idea. If it is, should there be some fish/coral that I should stay away from...or should I just nix the seahorse idea altogether and go with a more traditional nano.



New Member
welcome to nanotank

me personally, i wouldnt go with the seahorses. from what i have heard they are pretty high maintenance. i would stick with a "traditional nano". JMO if this is your first nano then definitly a "traditional nano". HTH


New Member
If you do wish to start sea horses get a tall tank and go with low flow and low light. Dark substrate helps them find their food (or so I've heard). But be careful, they do require a bit of attention.