They're actually pretty well suited for nanos, assuming that you can either get one that already eats frozen or have a lot of time on your hands to deal with their feeding needs....
Your best bet is an ORA tank-raised seahorse...They run about $50-$80
I'd do a couple months worth of reading here before attempting it.
I don't think that anyone on here now has them now. I tried at one point, but I couldn't get the sucker to switch over to frozen food, so after about 2wks I took it back to the LFS.
Thats what I've been hearing. The wild caught ones just dont do good unless you can train them to eat flake or frozen. I think that SH would look so cool in a nano though.
well also wild caught ones can get the white boil disease. Once one has it they will all die. I had one horse get a small boil then it went away, so i thought. it had busted. within a month they all died.