Sea Horses


New Member
They're actually pretty well suited for nanos, assuming that you can either get one that already eats frozen or have a lot of time on your hands to deal with their feeding needs....

Your best bet is an ORA tank-raised seahorse...They run about $50-$80

I'd do a couple months worth of reading here before attempting it.



New Member
oh I think it'll be a many years before I try my hand at sea horses :) Just wonderd if anyone here had tried :D


New Member
I don't think that anyone on here now has them now. I tried at one point, but I couldn't get the sucker to switch over to frozen food, so after about 2wks I took it back to the LFS.



New Member
i had 4 about a year ago. they where easy to care for. I did learn that farm raise ones are the only way to go.


New Member
Thats what I've been hearing. The wild caught ones just dont do good unless you can train them to eat flake or frozen. I think that SH would look so cool in a nano though.


New Member
well also wild caught ones can get the white boil disease. Once one has it they will all die. I had one horse get a small boil then it went away, so i thought. it had busted. within a month they all died.