The hobby of fish tanks is calling me back… I have been gone for quite some time. It’s been so long that I’m almost a newbie all over again… The last time I had a tank set up was three years ago.
My Fish tank stories: I started off great. I bought a divorced couples tank that the wife just wanted to get a ride of it. Only if I knew what I knew now, and that is it was a great deal. It was a 100 or so gal tank with everything possible set up wise and corals galore. I had that tank for three years and after I moved it twice I decided to sell it and enter into the NANO world.
I ran my JBJ 12gal DX for two years. I moved cross country and lost a lot coral during the move. Once I got my tank set up within a month we had two bad storms where I lost power. The first one was for a couple of days and my tank was not looking to good and then we had another storm a couple weeks later and we lost power for a week and a half. Everything died in my tank so I took it apart and put it into my basement.
I have wanted to set it up again but I move a lot, and I didn’t want to put a lot of money into it and then have to move again. Plus I was playing around with a DIY refugium which I didn’t have enough air flow in my stand and it got moldy. After this I closed off the holes to the sump underneath to make it a all in one system again.
So after my long story and long time away, I am back. Life is hectic and I need something to think about and look forward to. Oh and I guess I want to spend all my money I’m starting to remember how expensive this hobby is.
I have read up a lot on the internet. There is so much more information on Nano tanks today than when I started. I spent a lot of money on corals and fish when I first started and research things, but I really never took care of my tanks the way I should have.
This is what I’m most excited about. Is doing things right this time around. So hopefully through research, tons of money, and your guys help I can create an incredible NANO TANK…
I like posts with pictures. I wish I took pictures of my fist tank that I had, but I do have one picture on file. This pic is a picture of my nano tank after I moved cross country and after my first storm when my tank didn’t have any power. You can see that the corals were in bad shape and my really really cool sponge that was growing on the live rock was starting to die.
Lastly, I do have one question for the community and that is if you look at my picture you can see a yellow sponge growing on one rock and a pink sponge growing on another. I paid a lot for those from my local fish store at that time. Once I get my tank up and running again I will try to find that LFS number and ask them where they got that, because on the net I can’t find any sponge like thing that grows like that…..
Thanks for reading this I’m looking forward to learning things from you guys and starting up my tank again.
Having problems posting pic. How do I compress the file to make it smaller. Too many meg pixles
The hobby of fish tanks is calling me back… I have been gone for quite some time. It’s been so long that I’m almost a newbie all over again… The last time I had a tank set up was three years ago.
My Fish tank stories: I started off great. I bought a divorced couples tank that the wife just wanted to get a ride of it. Only if I knew what I knew now, and that is it was a great deal. It was a 100 or so gal tank with everything possible set up wise and corals galore. I had that tank for three years and after I moved it twice I decided to sell it and enter into the NANO world.
I ran my JBJ 12gal DX for two years. I moved cross country and lost a lot coral during the move. Once I got my tank set up within a month we had two bad storms where I lost power. The first one was for a couple of days and my tank was not looking to good and then we had another storm a couple weeks later and we lost power for a week and a half. Everything died in my tank so I took it apart and put it into my basement.
I have wanted to set it up again but I move a lot, and I didn’t want to put a lot of money into it and then have to move again. Plus I was playing around with a DIY refugium which I didn’t have enough air flow in my stand and it got moldy. After this I closed off the holes to the sump underneath to make it a all in one system again.
So after my long story and long time away, I am back. Life is hectic and I need something to think about and look forward to. Oh and I guess I want to spend all my money I’m starting to remember how expensive this hobby is.
I have read up a lot on the internet. There is so much more information on Nano tanks today than when I started. I spent a lot of money on corals and fish when I first started and research things, but I really never took care of my tanks the way I should have.
This is what I’m most excited about. Is doing things right this time around. So hopefully through research, tons of money, and your guys help I can create an incredible NANO TANK…
I like posts with pictures. I wish I took pictures of my fist tank that I had, but I do have one picture on file. This pic is a picture of my nano tank after I moved cross country and after my first storm when my tank didn’t have any power. You can see that the corals were in bad shape and my really really cool sponge that was growing on the live rock was starting to die.
Lastly, I do have one question for the community and that is if you look at my picture you can see a yellow sponge growing on one rock and a pink sponge growing on another. I paid a lot for those from my local fish store at that time. Once I get my tank up and running again I will try to find that LFS number and ask them where they got that, because on the net I can’t find any sponge like thing that grows like that…..
Thanks for reading this I’m looking forward to learning things from you guys and starting up my tank again.
Having problems posting pic. How do I compress the file to make it smaller. Too many meg pixles