saltwater question


New Member
how long can u store salt water and what is the best way to do so also is it better to buy saltwater from your LFS or make your own for water changes it is only 33 cents a gallon and it is allot easer to pick up on my way home then to have to mix my own water


New Member
I have no input, but I mix my water up a day ahead of time if I am planning on using it. I try to keep some for emergencies, so I too would like to hear from others who know about this topic.

Thing way to tell how long the lfs has been storing the water. 33 cents seems more than a fair price to me..RO water is .50 at my LFS..


New Member
I just have a 5g bucket with water that i mix up every now and again goin with a power head in it, my water changes are so small that one batch of mixed up water might sit there for a couple of months, ohh and theres a lid on the bucket, to stop the dust from getting in :wlift


New Member
We mix our water in quanities of 10 gallons ....we mix the water (distilled) for 24 hours then mix the salt for an addtional 24 hours when it is done I place it back in the h20 bottles and store them in the dark basement (it is dark 23 hours a day so no algae blooms plus there is not really anything to fuel algae ) we go through about 10 gallons a month and have never had a problem I do reairate it before use usually about 2 hours (sometimes only a half hour depending on the circumstances) and as long as 24 hours if I forget about it :mrgreen:


New Member
If you do decide to buy from your LFS...I would test it for any unwanted stuff. You can trust them after you have tested them. I was paying a buck for mixed water and .50 for ro until I tested for silicate...Now I mix my own..