Salt Mixing for Nano Tank


New Member
Hi everybody,
I will be mixing my salt and water in a 5 gallon bucket for my future water changes for my 12 gallon tank.
I've read many places that you should use some kind of aeration to mix it well and properly.
Can anybody tell me what I should use for that. Air stone (don't think thats enough aeration for mixing) or a simple Power Head and if a Power Head, the strength and type. I am not familiar with any Power Heads out there.
Keep in mind I will be mixing in a 5 gallon container.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

My thanks in advance.

The Kapenta Kid

New Member
I'd buy the smallest Aquarium Systems PH, the 400. They are inexpensive and reliable. The PH series all have a venturi attachment so you can introduce air into the outlet jet. However, for a small container you could easily agitate and aerate it with one of their minijets which has no venturi, just angle it so it makes the water roil on surface and that will give you all the oxygenation you need.


New Member
Here's my process:

Fill bucket up with tap while adjusting the temp to around 80°F
Add 1/4 cap of Prime (water treatment)
Add ~1-1/2 cups of salt
Place powerhead and mix until water is clear and no salt on bottom
Check with refractometer
Remove water from tank
Add new water

Total about 15-20 minutes to complete. I used to mix my water before hand but see no added benifit. I mixed it one time for 24 hours with salt in the water and I ended up with a salt crust on everything that was in or around the bucket so I quit that method. I have little time on the weekends to spend on the tank so this method has worked well.

The Kapenta Kid

New Member
I have always understood that tap water is not a good idea due to possible nitrates and heavy metals (lead and copper) if you have a house with old plumbing.
The water out of my tap is around 40 ppm nitrate and the house is 100 years old, I don't even drink the stuff :)


New Member
My house is about 3 years old so I have all PVC plumbing, except the hot water heater. I use the Prime which removes most of the heavy metals. I have posted my water quality report for the county and have checked myself and it seems pretty decent. I have had 3 fresh water and this is my second salt water tank all on tap. If I thought that my tap wasn't good for the tank, I wouldn't use it.