Rock Question


New Member
I asked this on the Reef Central site but wanted to ask here also..

My Nano has been cycling for a few days, but I had a question for the Pros.. My rock had some good coraline growing on it when I first put it in the tank now where the coraline was it is now covered with what looks like some type of white spider web stuff. Under it I can see what appears to be some really wild looking coraline. My questions is what the heck is the white stuff? and second will it go away?? I will try and provide a pic when my camera battery charges.



New Member
Welcome to Nanotank Arlogut,

Many sponges and other organisms found on live rock cannot tolerate shipping very well, because they are exposed to air and unacceptable temperatures in the process. There may also be numerous things living inside the rock that die and decay. It takes some time for all this to happen and for the decay process to stop, the your coraline algae will eventually start to grow again.

I usually fill a bucket with saltwater and vigorously shake off and brush each piece of rock in the bucket. This will help to clear off any sediment and loose dead material.


New Member
I agree with may want to scrub the rock with a bristle brush or a toothbrush in some saltwater. This wont damage any existing coraline. and also make sure there is plenty of circulation in your tank as well...around 20X turnover.


And welcome to nanotank!


Active Member
Andre is right, you want to get the sponges off because they will rot in your tank and it will take much longer to cycle your water.

They cannot be brought back, they are dead or dieing.



Staff member
Great advice from everyone. Clean the rocks in saltwater and return them to the tank so you don't have a long cycle. Keep your lights off so you don't get crazy algae growth.


New Member
skipm said:
Keep your lights off so you don't get crazy algae growth.
or then your are gonna regret it cause getting rid off diatoms is really hard so keep your phosphates low & natrates as possible. but if you do have some dont worry is normal for a new tank and then eventually every algae will reduce and then other problems come alone :lol3: :lol3: but thats another tread.

eddy :cool: