refugium upgrad


New Member
Im wanting to get rid of my HOB refugium and go with a sump below my 20L. Has any one ever built a small HOB over flow? about what size pump would i need to return the water? Im looking at 4 ft of head pressure max.


New Member
I'd ask Nick to build it for you.

A mag 5 at 4' should give you approx 310gph, which should be fine for a 20g.



New Member
i thought about that but then i thought just a simple u shape pipe (off my canister) should be good enough.


New Member
Huh? I think I may be confused as to what you mean.
You can't run a canister as part of your overflow.
You can run it out of your sump, or out of your tank independant of your overflow/sump/return, but you can't put it inline.



New Member
you know how the canister uses that u shaped thing. it pulls water out of the tank. i figured i could use that u shape deal instead of a overflow box.


New Member
That only works because there's a motor in the canister sucking the water through it. It's not a proper siphon, and won't work instead of an oveflow box.
