refugium bottom


New Member
I was wonder if i need a DSB in my refugium. I have a 3" sand bed in my tank and a 5" in my refugium. the problem im having is that my macro goes thru to the pump section. now im left with a small golf ball size of cheato. plus with less sand i could have more volume of water. which is better in your opion and what do you do with your refugium?
I might just take it out add a section and run LR, macro, then add a skimmer and phosphate reactor.


New Member
i am using about 20lbs of bio sediment and mud in my refugium....its about two inches. LR, algaes, cleanign crue, ect.

i dont think it really matters on what you do but i found having my current above and less below kept everything more stable.....just my findings and oppinion.

i also have my skimmer in my sump....


New Member
Most I've seen, and in all 3 I've run personally, I saw/had either a DSB or s "biomud" type setup. I would recommend that route personally...also, I've not really read anything in regards to bare bottom fuges...everything I've read says use some substrate.
