Red Algae


New Member
lately i am noticing a lot of red algae on my live rock, on the tank glass, and on the top layer of my sand bed. it doesnt appear to be slimey. does anyone know what would cause this. my ammonia, nitrite, nitrate are all ok. temp stays between 78 and 80 degrees.

what am i doing wrong?



New Member
If it is algae then your tests will appear fine because the algae is using up the excess nutrients in your water column. If you are feeding try cutting down a bit, or increase water flow, or reduce lighting. But if it is coralline algae then that is a sign of a healthy tank.


New Member
Sounds like Cyanobacteria. Actually, it is cyanobacteria (bacteria NOT algae). Red and velvety and will cover your entire tank if nothing is done about it. It's not uncommon at all in new tanks and tanks that have some easily solved issues.

First, make sure your source water for waterchanges is clean (use only RO/DI).
If so, then you have another source of excess nutrients.
A) look at your feeding regime
B) give yourself a nice water change(make sure you get dead spots where detris has accumulated)
C) manually remove as much as possible (it should peel off easily and you don't want it smothering the good stuff or rotting and making it harder to win this battle by feeding the monster)
D) have patience and be persistant on water changes and manual removal
E) I really like the little mexican red-legged hermits as they will pick on this stuff (snails won't touch it)
F) Do NOT watste money or time on anything over the counter. It will just return.