Reasonable amount of fish for a 24 gallon JBL Nanocube


New Member
As I am new to salt water...I thought I better get advise from people with experience rather than just Fish store employees. I have spent quite a bit of time on the internet (hogging the computer, as my husband puts it) researching, but there seems to be varying opinions. I have years of fresh water experience, but there is quite a difference. I have a 24 gallon JBL Nanocube with no modifications, about 25 lbs live rock and about 15 snails and 10 hermit crabs, a couple of mushrooms and polyps and 1 cardinal. I was think of adding a goby and 2 clownfish. Would this work, or would that be pushing it??


New Member
A nice small goby you could think about is the Yellow Clown, i just added one to my 30 gallon a couple days ago, and he's really got an active personality and he's only about half an inch long.


New Member
Thanks for the info, I will limit myself to 4, a little yellow goby is one I had in mind or maybe one of those lawnmower guys...if he would be happy with hair algae he would be in heaven.


New Member
Yes, I will post some pictures, everyone will want to see my tank with the wonderful hair algae swaying in the current!!
I do have another question...when I set the tank up, I removed the bio balls and ceramic bits, am running with just the sponge. Is it better to remove the sponge and replace with some rock rubble or just leave the sponge and rinse weekly??

Sugar Magnolia

New Member
4 fish will be fine, but I'd suggest not adding 2 clowns and the goby all at once. Add the goby first, wait a couple of weeks, then add the 2 clowns. You don't want to put a strain on your tanks biological filter by adding too much bioload at once.

Also, make sure you keep up with weekly water changes. 8)