R.I.P thread


New Member
Hi guys,thought id start this thread for all the much loved stuff we've had die,in our tanks or otherwise.

To start off, this first post is dedicated to my beautiful golden clown goby, star of my 2.5. This morning, saw his skeletal remains being devoured by a clump of bristleworms, including the swimming white one. DIE BRISTLEWORMS!!!!!!!!!!! will kill as many as i can to avenge his death.


New Member
I know I'm new at this but everything I've read suggest bristleworms won't eat live food unless they are very large worms. Even then there is arguement. I hope this is right because I just added four baby bristleworms to my tank I found on a piece of saltwater lettece in my other tank. So sorry for your loss. :cry:


New Member
Bristelworms are often blamed for killing reef tank specimens, but in my experience they are only cleanining up what is alread dead in your tank. The bristleworms in my tank are big (I've seen ones as big as 6-8" in my nano) and yet they all just act as clean up in my tank. They are relatively slow and I have seen my small clowns scare then back into the rockwork.

Overall I believe that these worms are blamed for a lot of deaths only because they are there when the carcasses of the animals are found. They are part of your cleanup crew and shouldn't be blamed for deaths in you're tank, as they are too slow to kill anything that isn't already dying. Granted they can get very big but still has anyone seen any of them attach and kill any type of livestock? I have yet to see any evidence that bristleworms do anything other than digest dead or dying organisms. Ok I am rambling now and if anyone has some picture evidence of bristleworms attacking healthy livestock I would love to see it.

Disclaimer: I am drunk at this point in time and claim no responsibilty for my typing but I still feel that bristleworms get a bad rap.


New Member
Sorry about your loss. I know it's painful especially when their beautiful. I think a clam might be my next buy. What do you think went wrong?