quick question about polyps


New Member
ok---i was just wondering if it normal for polyps to close up ? i have a frag of button polyps and i have noticed that half of the polyps havent been opening up for the two week. is this normal? i have checked my water levels and everything is normal. im wondering if they died or something? they dont look like they are decomposing though. they were actually spreading/multiply but like i said the orginal and the the new offspring have not opened up




New Member
give them time, my polyps have done this a bunch of times. mine have closed for like three to four weeks at one time, then one day they all opened. cant explain it , it just happens.


New Member
going through the same thing here no reason no ryme but mine are closed and havent opened yet tho their are 3 or 4 that do open so all is not lost . they will close sometimes for no apparent reason