

New Member
hey im thinking or getting a 24 gallon tank and im wondering wat kind of fish i could put in it?
the store that im looking at has 3/4inch blu tangs so im probibly gonna put them in, and i wand a clown, want else can i put in there with safty?(the tang WILL not grow)


New Member
hey im thinking or getting a 24 gallon tank and im wondering wat kind of fish i could put in it?
the store that im looking at has 3/4inch blu tangs so im probibly gonna put them in, and i wand a clown, want else can i put in there with safty?(the tang WILL not grow)

false . a tang will grow in that size tank, if it even survives. you cannot keep a tang in a 24 gal, that is a death sentence. tangs should be kept ideally in a 100 gal or larger established tank. the clown you would be ok with. I am not trying to be mean, but please reconsider a tang.


New Member
lol im sorry i worded that kinda wrong :\
the lady said that after it grows out of the tank i will bring him back and get credit for him :)


New Member
they had a little nano tank in the front a 12 gallon? well she sayed that the fish was there for a whole year and he wasnt even an inch, it was this fish

but alot smaller :)


New Member
the fish store you are dealing with is leading you wrong , how can you be sure that they havent switched the fish out if one has died then tell you that it is the same fish , I think that you are being seriously misled do as you will but I think that you will regret it in the long run. I am not trying to be nasty but if you are going to do it you will be comming here saying my fish has....... my fish ...... my fish died why......... so do as you will but I think that this is a VERY POOR CHOICE ! :!:


open - sadie is right and her advice is free, tangs are an open swimmers and need space. hippos tend to hide more then zebros - but the answer remains the same. Fish to look at while your tank cycles: clowns, gobies, a few of the smaller wrasses like a six line canary or flasher, firefish, cardinals, and damsels (although they can be mean they are cheap and pretty). There are a few others but this should give you something to think about while your tank cycles.


New Member
the other thing to take into consideration is no fish while cycling this is not needed while your tanks is cycling , John thanks for backing me on this :)

Master Er

New Member
I too agree....the fact its too small a tank, and even in a larger tank it would have to be an established system for it to live in.


New Member
lol ok ok bad idea :\
well the any1 have sugggestions on what i should put in a 20 gallon?
what kind of fish and coral?


New Member
Sorry, no tangs in anything under 75g. Even as juveniles they require a lot of swimming space. You'll come to find as you get more experience that there are a lot of LFS and online vendors that don't know what they're talking about, and are willing to give you false info to make a sale.

You pretty much have to not take ANYONE's word, (including mine), about anything. Check several sites, read books, and magazines and you'll start to be able to weed out the idiots, based on communal knowledge.

This is by no means a complete list, but it should give you something to look at.
FWIW, I totally disagree that twinspot gobies are a good choice for a nano. They tend to be finicky eaters and prefer to sift the sandbed for their meals. A nano simply doesn't have enough life in it's small sandbed to keep them alive long term. But like a few other fish, if they take prepared foods in the store they might be good choices after all, there are always individual fish that are the exception to the species rules. ... CatId=2124



New Member
Hey, get a pulsating zenia. They are so cool. It's a soft coral kinda like a leather in looks. They constantly move like a medusa (ugly snake headed god thing) and grow and anybody looking at it in your tank will kinda freak when they see it! Great conversation item and they slowly multiply. Get the RED SEA ZENIA. Also, if you have time to mess with (feed two or three times a week by target feeding) get a sun coral. They brighten up the tank and are so cool. I think every tank should have these. REALLY!!!