Question about lighting in a 8g biocube


New Member
HI, i have a 8g oceanic biocube. The lighting i have is 1-18 watt True Actinic 03 Blue straight pin, 1-18 watt 10.000K Daylight straight pin 2-.75 watt Lunar Blue-Moon-Glow LED. MY dimension's are 12.5"x13"wx15"h. What kind of corals am i limited to? Am i too low for the brighter ones?


New Member
I think so. With our small tanks it isn't always about how much light. But how appropriate is the light. Power compact is nice for some mushrooms and rice and the occasional LPS IMO. There are some non photosynthetic corals out there that have nice colors too. Not many, but some.


New Member
I agree. The usually mushrooms, zoanthids, things like candy canes that depend on food as well as lighting.
