Quarantine Tank?


New Member
Hey everyone,
I just had a few questions about quarantine tank. If I were to have one of these I am totally unsure of what exactly to have. Is this going to be like having two tanks up and running with sand rock and so forth. What about lighting, filtering, cycling and all that stuff. Forgive me if I have missed any info about this on here but I know the idea of the quarantine tank but not exactly what it consists of...Thanks!!!


New Member
The quarentine tank that I have up and running is just a basic 10g tank with a 40w 50/50 fixture on it along with a whisper filter for circulation. I keep this tank pretty bare on purpose with just sand. Should I put anything in it for the purpose that it is set up for, then theres room. Nothing fancy, just serving its purpose. This happens to be the tank that I am taking down this weekend.


New Member
I keep a cycled sponge in my sump all times and place it in the quarantine tank when it needs to be used. The quarantine tank should be as simple as possilbe with a bare bottom, heater, no LS or LR. I have a few pieces of PVC pipe to provide the fish some hiding places. Some people like to paint bottom of the tank to keep the reflection to a minimum, so the fish will be less stressed.



New Member
We use spare filters and power head for circulation aswell as a spare heater , the tank is a spare plastic storage box from walmart we just do a water change if need be to set it up. In other words if it needs set up we fill it from the display tank and place in the fish bare bottom and also like Andre use some pieces of pvc pipe gotten from a local home improvement store like lowes or homedepot . Just be sure to wash them well before use to remove any residues or chemicals that may be on them :mrgreen: Our total for a qt tank is 10 bucks or less if you dont need it for long periods then everything stores nicely in it and the lid keeps it clean all I have to do is pull out one tote bin and every thing is right there the down fall is that I dont have the same filter on it as the display tank so I cant keep a cycled sponge in it :mrgreen:


New Member
Definitely NO sand in a QT...parasites and such can live in it. Really, nothing that is not easily sanitized should be placed in a QT. Aromano's pic is perfect....only use materials such as PVC or ABS that can be bleached. It is always a good idea to use a sponge filter in your sump(if you have one) or have one in your display if you have plans on running a QT...this way you always have a sponge on hand that already has bacteria.

Minimal lighting is all that is required.



New Member
If you bleach use a dechlorinator and a bucket of water to soak it in over night . As most of our critters are sensitive to bleach and chlorines Then just air dry . Just my opinion :mrgreen:


New Member
I have noticed that it's also very important to monitor ammonia and nitrites closely and have some pre mixed saltwater in hand, because the beneficial bacteria can easily die when using copper, hyposalinity and other methods of treatment.


New Member
:shock: :shock: wow great info. on QT guys and aromano that a really great pic ... in other words a pic tell more things than typing a better explanation for QT... this should be a sticky or something alot of great info about QT ... hopefully dj will make it as sticky...

anyways keep out the good work....

eddy :cool1: