Like a previous topic below I too have a problem pyjama wrasse, i have had him 2 1/2 years in a 24 gal nano tank - he has been fine living with a midas blennie (had 3 years) and scarlet hawkfish (1 year) all got on fine until a few weeks ago when i added an algae blennie to help eat the algae. The midas ignored the new algae blennie completely (to my relief)but to my suprise the hawkfish took an instant dislike to the algae blennie, and they both fought whenever they saw each other and i was told they would settle down, but within 2 weeks the algae blennie died. Since this happened the hawkfish had gone very quiet and was hiding a lot and i thought he was ill - probably hurt by the fighting, but after spending a lot of time watching, the wrasse is constantly harrassing him and wont let him move around the tank, or feed, i guess he is getting a bit of his own medicine but its sad to see. I love them all, should i persevere? (I have to wait till lights go out, tap the glass and the hawkfish comes out and takes a bit of food!) Ive learnt from this that just by adding one new fish the balance in the tank can go haywire. :anxious Any suggestions welcome?