Pusling Rea Sea Xenia for sale/trade


New Member
Got about 5 xenia frags up for sale or trade. They are nice and healthy (maybe too healtly) and pulse like crazy.

Will post pics later.


New Member
They are from a mother colony I had in my 20 gallon on and off for over 2 yrs. I created the frags myself. Stalks range from 1-5 inches.


New Member
I guess I should stop bugging you so you can post that pic, so I can see what color they are.

Mine are brownish cream with white stalks only get about 3 inches tall. Pulses like crazy.



New Member
Does anyone want a few of these little frags? Please take them off my hands as they are outgrowing my little frag tank :-k

We can do a simple thermos trade that runs less than $6 USPS Priority Mail each way. I could trade for shrooms, rics, zoos or whatever.


New Member
Thats if they make it to the other persons house alive.

Oh and the person it arrives to, don't go by the smell, it smells the same alive or rotten, I should know I electruted mine and had to pick it off the rocks outside of the tank for it bleed black liquid. *gag*

Sugar Magnolia

New Member
yep, it sure does smell. xenia doesn't ship well, so if you do plan to ship some don't be disappointed if it arrives dead or dying.


New Member
Never shipped it before. Guess I'll try to give it to my LFS then. Thanks for the heads up.