Pump for friends 20g


New Member
My friend has a 20g tank w/ sufficient lighting and he wants to know what the minimum pump requirement would be. The dimensions are 1' deep 2' wide and 1.9' tall. Right now he has a penguin100 which cycles 100 gph. It filters well I think but does not generate much wave action. What do you suggest?


New Member
two powerheads (i guess maxijet 600 or smaller would be fine) are almost always better than one. You can have them near the bottom of the tank in opposite corners pointed to the front of the tank to create some nice flow.


New Member
I agree with tim... 2 is a good bet. He should be aiming for around 400gph well-dispersed throughout the tank. I say with the penguin 100, he could probably add two 125ish gph powerheads and he should be good to go.
