Pulsing Zenias


New Member
I just got some pulsing zenias the other day and I did not get them into the tank before they seemed to have closed up. They are now laying over and look pretty much dead is there anything I can do to help to revive them if it is possible?
I could not find anything about what kind of lighting or water flow they need either..

Thanks in advance.


welcome to the site
zenia is just one of those corals that if your tank conditions are suitable to its needs it will be very prolific if not it won't do well, but i need tank specs before i can say anything except just leave it be - it may come around - but without knowing anything about your tank i have no way to help. size, lighting, flow, water params, how long has it been set up, other inhabitants ect............


New Member
wow where do I start. 72 bow has been set up for a few years now. Just replaced all the crushed coral in the botom the other day before the zenias went in. I have the following in/attached to the tank:

Fluval 404
aquaclear 70
marineland PH 600?
Red sea HOB skimmer
whisper 700 pump
4 65w PCs

blue damsel
mating clowns
cleaner wrasse
neon dottyback
coral beauty

purple shrooms
some leathers
yellow polyps
green star polyps
snails and crabs
cleaner shrimp

Let me know if you need more info..


lighting specs and water params would help but since you've been at this a couple years and you have other corals of about the same needs - your tank conditions should be good. i have to mention though that since you removed the crushed coral you may have inadvertenly started a recycle and got an ammonia spike - great care must be taken whenever you mess with a sand bed
but sorry there is not much you can do with it - in general zenia like moderate lighting and moderate but intermiten flow - not laminar. leave it sit on the bottom for a few days and hopefully it comes around for you, sorry can't help more