Proper care for "Harlequin Shrimp"


New Member
I was reading about the "Harlequin Shrimp" on marinedepotlive, and I was wondering if the harlequin shrimp eats anything else besides urchins and starfish? Could they eat mysis shrimp and flakes? They look real small and say they only grow to 1 inch. Would be nice to own, but not if I have to be throwing an urchin or a starfish in there.

Incysor: Don't you own one of these? I was looking for the post you had on the harlequin.


Active Member

It won't work for your pico,,,, but it would be okay for your JBJ cube, however this shrimp is on a strict diet or starfish or urchins. Nothing else.

I use to feed mine 1 chocolate star fish per month... $6.99 each month,,, if you want another expense.... They are very beautiful critters.



New Member
Nope these guys and bumble bee shrimp only eat the tube feet of starfish. I found a few pages that say that they will both eat the tube feet of a few types of urchin, but most of the more scientifically slated sites don't mention them eating on urchins. They will NOT eat anything else. They're very specialized predators. I feed mine one small-med sized chocolate chip starfish every 3-4 weeks. In fact I need to run through the stores on Sunday and pick one up for it for Monday.



New Member

Well it was worth a shot to ask. What other types of shrimps would make a good addition to my pico? So far I have two sexy's. I plan on getting two glass anemone shrimps, as their size are pretty much as big as the sexy's. I want to see if I can get away with getting a peppermint shrimp and cleaner shrimp. I want to get them as tiny as possible. I've been real picky so far. It's great that Sandra has the JBJ, so I'm able to experiment with the pico, and if well if it's too crowded or there is a problem, it's no sweat to throw um' in there :)


Active Member
Cleaner shrimp will not work in Pico... It will outgrow the tank in no time... It will stay small for awhile and as you feed it more and more, it outgrows it's shell...

There is a lot of variety on anenome shrimps take your time looking from LFS to LFS until you find the right size and color.



New Member
how big can they get? I read up to two inches....about an inch more than the other little guys. I guess the little cleaner would make a nice addition to the nano then, I think Nemo needs a detailed bath :)