Presents with my LR


New Member
I just went to Coral Oasis. Thanks for the rec Jesse. That place is pretty nice. Anyway. swapped out my bio balls and ceramic cylinders for lr rubble and got quite a few presents along with it. These things are pretty small so the photo isn't realy clear. I figure their some kind of Zoa.... anyone know what kind? There was also a little purple urchin and a tiny little star fish that looked like a brittle but he was white. are they white when their that small? The size of a nickel.



Staff member
Nice score on the zoanthids. The starfish may be a mini brittlestar, they are excellant sandbed stirrers but don't really get any bigger than you found. It is possible that you have more and don't know it, if thats the case they will reproduce rather well in the aquarium.


New Member
I like that place. Make sure with the rubble in the filter though that you clean out all the stuff that will settle below the rock every week or so. Those polyps should color up nicely!



New Member
OK.... So now that I have my first coral and it's on rocks that I don't really care to keep in my tank. How can I get these polyps onto better or even different rocks? I only have one polyp on the top picutre but the bottom picture the rock is covered with those little guys.

Can someone give me a a brief but complete summary of fraging or let me know where I can find one. I've been searching online and on this site and haven't found to much detail about it. "just cut it put it in a container with a rock and it'll attach itself within a few days."
