Pregnant Boxing Crab?


New Member
I was staring at my tank today and I noticed that my boxing crab appears to be pregnant. She is carrying a sack of orange eggs under her main body. Has anyone experienced this before? Should I place her in a quarantine tank until the babies are born? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


New Member
It is possible to be pregnant but with out pictures it is hard to be absolutely sure is possible to raise them in captivity and may not be possible to successfully raise them they may become fish food unfortunatly hopefully others will have input HTH :mrgreen:


New Member
Unfortunately, I don't have a digicam here @ work, but I was able to find a picture that was posted on reefcentral that is identical to my boxing crab. I'd like to raise the babies, but I'm not sure how to go about it. My tank has two false perculas, an emerald crab, hermits, and some astraea turbo snails. I'm not too sure, but it sounds like my environment might be peaceful enough to have them survive.



New Member
It certianly looks like an egg sack , usually they will be eatin hopefully others with more experience can chim in here for you ....and advise you what to do sorry I wasent of more help


New Member
Well if there is not a male in there, I dont think nothing will occur. I believe that those eggs would need to be fertlized in order for them to hatch.

About raising them, you'd have to QT them as in the tank, they'd be so small, they'd be eaten or sucked up by the filtration system. My friend had one, but they hatched before he could do anything....of course nothing lived..

Hope you have better luck... try google for some tips on raising them.


New Member
i had my boxing crab give birth.......she disappeared for a while, and then one day i noticed the babies between the glass and my LR where nothing could get at them. out of the million or so hatched only a couple still survive. they are about six to seven months old and are about the size of a pencil eraser. i never did anything with them , just let nature take its course. i still have the mother and father, well i dont know i just presume that cause i have just two. :mrgreen: