Power Outtage!!


New Member
When reading this, you should Humm or whistle the music from The Godfather. Just when i thought everything was going to settle down and things have been good, or at least better and under control, we had a power outtage for almost 8 hours yesterday. The worst part is that I was at work and couldnt do a thing about it. There were some losses.

My FrogSpawn Coral is not looking too good, One Anemone Shrimp is MIA, and my Anthias which has been not eating as much as he should, died as well. Everyone else seems to be ok.

On another front, Has anyone had difficulty with fish jumping into the sump and then suffering a demise usually associated with a mob knock off? My cleaner shrimp in my 12 g chased my wrasse and he frreaked out and jumped right into the sump. He caught a bit the fan on his way in there but he was rescued in time. He is ok.
My orange spot Goby didnt fare so well. I couldnt understand where he went the other day and when I was investigating why the pump wasnt pushing water so well.........you get the idea. His funeral was last night. Don't know if it was suicide or if someone pushed him in there. Local authorities are investigating.
Any ideas how to prevent this or is this th occasional tradegy?



New Member
Man, sorry to hear about all that... dont know how I overlooked this thread. So whats the news now? Is the tank doing alright? Anything else die?



New Member
The Frogspawn Coral is complettely dead now. One dead Anemone Shrimp. Lost the Anthias....and the Orange Spot died before the power outtage. Every one else seems to have recovered. My 12 g surpisingly didnt have any losses. But it has been up longer. Im still worried about the fish jumping into the sump though. any wqay to prevent that? Aside from putting up a screen or something.

Thanks for the response. I was thinking of getting a backup battery for the tank just like one for a backup for a computer. My brother has one and he said they could work.

i dont know how much they cost.



New Member
I"ve had power outages as well and I haven't lost anything, including frogspawn. I have a battery powered bubbler to keep the water oxyginated, but other than that, it's just cross your fingers.

If I"m home when it happens every 1/2 hour or so I'll take a cup, fill it with tank water, hold it 12" over the tank and dump back in to keep water moving. I'll do it 6/7 times every 1/2 hour. The only part that areally sucks is resetting all my timers...


New Member
The frogspawn was doing well before the power outtage. then it just melted away. I think it did damge to my anemone as well. it hasnt been looking to good. Monitoring very closely. It was sad to watch the shrimp die slowly. it was like he was in a coma. You could tell he was just hanging on and then he was gone. My big propblem is that im working long hours so if something happens during the day....SOL.
Things are stable for now.


New Member
I did a huge water change (double than normal) this weekend to try and rejunvenate things and there was a marked increase and improvement with pretty much everything in the tank. The Anemone has started getting its colour back and the fish seem to be a little more lively. I dont know why but there was a ton of crap in the prefilter sponges which were slowing down water flow like crazy. Had to clean them big time. They were fine when i did the last water change although i do clean them every week. We had one more loss---the feather duster died. Top just popped of and out he came. Then mush. :cry:
I hope this is the end of the losses.