

New Member
Hi all

This might sound stupid but really, i've never had a noticable population of pods in any of my previous tanks.

As some might already know, i intend to start a nano soon. just wanted to know how i can breed pods (the typr things like mandarins eat) firstly to add diversity to the tank and, maybe i could culture some in a plastic tub (eg rubbermaid) and maybe keep a mandarin (using the pods to substitute frozen stuff).

Any advice on pod breeding or if anyone's done this before pls post replies



New Member
mihkaail said:
Hi all

This might sound stupid but really, i've never had a noticable population of pods in any of my previous tanks.

As some might already know, i intend to start a nano soon. just wanted to know how i can breed pods (the typr things like mandarins eat) firstly to add diversity to the tank and, maybe i could culture some in a plastic tub (eg rubbermaid) and maybe keep a mandarin (using the pods to substitute frozen stuff).

Any advice on pod breeding or if anyone's done this before pls post replies

view this thread and check out page 2

http://www.nanotank.com/viewtopic.php?t ... c&start=15

There you see I among other discussing ways of raising either copepods or buying copepods in a bottle or even breeding brine shrimp as is my choice I will try. I can say happily that our mandarin has taken to eating cyclopeeze. Being it's small and red, I think he thinks they are small pods and gulps them up. I'm so happy and stoked about this. I am though still going to breed baby brine shrimp and see if he eats that as well.....


New Member
When I use to breed fancy guppies I would feed them frozen baby brine shrip. They loved the stuff and would grow so fast. Although prof Breeders, like the ones that Line Breed and grow nothing but show guppies, say live BBS is the best. But when I looked up the process of culturing your own I had to say no. Seemed like more of a hassel then anything. Now the process of culturing pods seems alot eaiser then the brine shrimp. Although I'm sure it also costs alot less to culture BBS. I'm not sure how much the plankton would cost and what the process of growing you own is. And I thought I read somewhere that brine shrimp isnt that good for SW. Could be wrong though, but it just seemd easier to fill a tank and just let it sit and make sure it stays somewhat green. And I thought that guy said he let them sit in a bottle for three months with no food and they still lived. I wonder what the cost diff would be between the two.


New Member
Thanks dragon, vafik.

I found the site but was wondering, since pods eat algae (ie green water) in the wild, would it be ok to feed them on marine microalgae?

And how do you guys get your original population of pods (assuming u dont buy a starter colony)? Does it come in on the LR?

Thanks again for the link dragon; and vafik, do you think i can keep a mandarin going on BBS only?



New Member
Set your tank up with no critters in it, leave it like that for 6 months and you will pods overflowing the place, out during the day and everything.

Seems they can sense as soon as you put a preditor in the tank and stop coming out during the day.


New Member
mihkaail said:
vafik, do you think i can keep a mandarin going on BBS only?

Not sure. I'm really new to all this and am still trying to pick out a tank to start my nano. But in doing my reaserch I thought I read that BBS wasnt a good food supply for fish. I think you can feed them but it's better to go with pods. Something to do with acids that SW fish need. Like I said I'm not even close to an expert it's just something I read on a forum somewhere. Your better off asking one of the more experinced reef keepers here at NT. I'm sure feeding them brine shrimp and flake is better then feeding them just flake food alone. But I'm sure pods would benifit them much better the BBS would.


New Member
Narkon; u say set up an empty tank for a while and i'll see em; what do they eat? do they just live of the LR? According to Dragon's link, i gotta feed em phyto. But if they can live off flakes or just LR, i can culture em in a large rubbermaid with just an airpump and some LR.

Secondly, will things like hermits, shrimp, snails etc eat pods? Will it be okay to leave a cycling tank with a clean up crew in there or will they eat my pods?

Sorry to bombard you with Qs Narkon. And thanks everyone for all your help.
