Pistol Shrimp + Yellow watchman goby


New Member
so my fish store finally got 1 pistol shrimp in!!
its about ____ <---- that big :strip
and my yellow watchman goby is about 2 inches
will these two pair up?

or will my goby totally ignore the shrimp and hang out with his firefish buddy?

or will they have a threesome? :lol3: '



New Member
lol i have the 3 and firefish is by his self close to clown and well at first YWG & pistol will go their own way after some days or week finally they will pair they make a nice pair really ... i got my YWG a week before the pistol and then 4 days later the perfect marriage..... just let me tell you brandon pistol is really messy and u r gonna hardly see him... and if have corals in the sand bed keep i close look on them cause pistol might buried them making caves under your LR....but eventually when you finally see the pistol worth it cause they are pretty well if you're gonna get a color full one mine is a randall's pistol shrimp (candy pistol) red & white stripes........

god luck with your pair.... a perfect adition to your tank...