our meek 7 gallon nano tank started in october 04 All wiring is on a shelf aprox 1 foot behind the tank with drip loops the adapter we have is one that you can plug your cell phone cig lighter in to a wall outlet so there is no cutting involved . every thing runs through a surge protector then battery next thing we get is a ground fault protector
current residents are
2 blue leg hermits
1 turbo snail
1 peppermint shrimp
1 blue fin damsel
1 yellow tail damsel
1 clown *don't know the brand*
2 baby stars only the size of a pencil eraser just appeared
1 sebae purple tip anenome *grown aprox 1 inch in the past 2 months since I got him*
it is a 7 gallon aga that has been up since october 04
perameters as follows
ammo 0
nitrAte 0-5.0
hi ph 8.4
nitrIte 0
spg 1.019
temp 80 deg faren
current residents are
2 blue leg hermits
1 turbo snail
1 peppermint shrimp
1 blue fin damsel
1 yellow tail damsel
1 clown *don't know the brand*
2 baby stars only the size of a pencil eraser just appeared
1 sebae purple tip anenome *grown aprox 1 inch in the past 2 months since I got him*
it is a 7 gallon aga that has been up since october 04
perameters as follows
ammo 0
nitrAte 0-5.0
hi ph 8.4
nitrIte 0
spg 1.019
temp 80 deg faren