pictures of our meek 7 gallon tank


New Member
our meek 7 gallon nano tank started in october 04 All wiring is on a shelf aprox 1 foot behind the tank with drip loops the adapter we have is one that you can plug your cell phone cig lighter in to a wall outlet so there is no cutting involved . every thing runs through a surge protector then battery next thing we get is a ground fault protector

current residents are
2 blue leg hermits
1 turbo snail
1 peppermint shrimp
1 blue fin damsel
1 yellow tail damsel
1 clown *don't know the brand*
2 baby stars only the size of a pencil eraser just appeared
1 sebae purple tip anenome *grown aprox 1 inch in the past 2 months since I got him*

it is a 7 gallon aga that has been up since october 04
perameters as follows
ammo 0
nitrAte 0-5.0
hi ph 8.4
nitrIte 0
spg 1.019
temp 80 deg faren



New Member
we had an outbreak of ick :( so we dropped it we are bring it back sloooowly :smile:
as for the fake back we didnt know any better :p

and I get my tang that way :lol:
no seriously thank you for the comments
and the suggestions


New Member

I didn't even look at the specs...Just the pretty pics.
It doesn't look like there's enough light over the tank for the anemone that's in it. How much light are you running?



New Member
SkiptomyLou said:
tang? I hope that was a typo...

no tangs in 7 gallons....
Try to follow the whole conversation. :wink: They're talking about the fake scene backdrop on the tank...sadielynn is saying that there's a pic of a tang on the backdrop....Not that they have a tang in the tank.



New Member
There is a tang on the background? Now I'm confused too :roll:

Also, what are you using the little plexi box on the left for?


New Member
Maybe I'm the one misunderstanding the conversation...I assumed she meant that there was a pic of a tang on the background, but looking closer I don't see one.


New Member
the plexi box was a nursery for some polyps and baby stars

I am currently running a 50/50
14 watt the anenome is doing so much better with
the new lighting he is a nice brown tan color with
purple polky dots :roll: he is staying put since
I got him in the picts I had done some work
and he moved a little but went back we have
2 power heads and a filter that move
aprox 90 -100 gallons an hour
on the far right there is a yellow tang that is on the background LOL
it has been hidden by rock work


New Member
I'm sorry, but 14w isn't enough light for an anemone that requires light. There are some non-photosynthetic species, but this doesn't look like one of them. Do you know what type is it? BTA's are some of the easiest to keep...None are easy, but these tend to be a bit more hearty, and they'd require closer to 65w of light.



New Member
how often are you doing water changes with 3 fish in a 7g? i thought it was pushing it putting a 2nd in my 10g. Or are you feeding really lightly?


New Member
why paint the back ??
h20 changes done every 4 weeks or so with premade
water aprox 4 - 8 cups at at time and
driped in at a a rate of 100 cc/hr
2nd filter run 3 -4 times a month as needed there are
2 powerheads each 90 gallons per hour and the hob filter 200 gallons per
feeding is light at 3 times a week with 1 time or so
a month being a little heavier but only when the 2 nd filter is going up
monthly perameters are unchanged
mag float is done every day other than that it is pretty low


New Member
Sorry I didn't see the tang on the
background (and I still don't) but at least you don't have a real one

thats ok it is there but you have to look

very close it is hidden behind the rock work :smile:


New Member
perhaps that clown you have is a saddleback clown? Black and white, but with yellow face and fins? Also everything looks good, but in the picture it looks like the amenone is constantly moving to find sufficient light. And a brownish color that you mention doesn't sound good. A sebae anemone is white with colored tips, like pink or some other color I forget....

I think I would love to have an anemone but it's so hard to care for them, and if they die, they can kill everything in your tank with the toxins they release, so it's thanks.

I just know I'd hate to come home and see fatalities. Anyway hope everything works out for you. C-ya.


New Member
dragon79 said:
perhaps that clown you have is a saddleback clown? Black and white, but with yellow face and fins? Also everything looks good, but in the picture it looks like the amenone is constantly moving to find sufficient light. And a brownish color that you mention doesn't sound good. A sebae anemone is white with colored tips, like pink or some other color I forget....

I think I would love to have an anemone but it's so hard to care for them, and if they die, they can kill everything in your tank with the toxins they release, so it's thanks.

I just know I'd hate to come home and see fatalities. Anyway hope everything works out for you. C-ya.
I think it's a clarkii clownfish. Although it's difficult to tell from the pics. A saddleback shouldn't be as black, and the second stripe shouldn't go all the way through the body. It looks like it has a white saddle on. Hence the name.

As for the sebae anemone if it's tan with purple tips it's actually healthier than white with purple spots. If it's white with purple then it's expelled most of its zooxanthellae. If it's yellow, then it's been dyed.

There's a ton of info on them here. ... nefaqs.htm

and ... heter.html



New Member
in the picture it looks like the amenone is constantly moving to find sufficient light.

no he really dosent move he pretty much stays put
I had done some I had done some
maintenance on the tank before the pic
I had knocked over some rock work
and had to put it back he is where I
orginally put him when I got him about 3 months
ago I have been watching him like a hawk if I
see him loosing color back to the store he goes