Pics of my 3 current tanks.


New Member
This one is my 10 gal nano. It's about to be broken down. The seahorse is no longer in it, instead there's two dwarf lions and a honey damsel. I think they need a little more room, so I'm going to set up a 25 for them after I move. Until I do they're going into the 40gal.

I've got a 55 and a 40 plumbed together. This is the front left side of hte 55.

Front center.

Front right.

Back left.

Unfortunately I couldn't find a clear shot of the back center or right.

Here's the 40gal octo tank. The octo died a few weeks ago, after being with us for 8 months, and it'll probably be a few months before we replace him.

From one of the sides of the 40.

And just a couple silly ones.



New Member
I think he died of old age. The species I had only last 8 months to a year in captivity, maybe another month or two in the wild. Most of the ones that hobbyists can keep have about the same lifespan. If you really went nuts and got a huge tank and put it on a chiller to keep the temp about 60-65 degrees you could get a giant pacific octo, and they might last more like 4-5yrs if you could find one as a juvenile. It was very rewarding, and much more interactive than most aquarium pets. We'll definitely be getting another one in the near future, once we figure out what our living arrangements are going to be. If anyone is interested in keeping them, I highly suggest you go to and read, read, read.
I was away for the weekend when he started acting funny, by the time I got back his eyes had already changed, and that's a pretty good sign they're on the way out. Just to be sure I tested my water params and everything looked fine, so I'm pretty sure it was just old age.


Sugar Magnolia

New Member
yep, and let me just! excellent tanks! Is that a porites in the octo tank with christmas tree worms?

sorry to hear about the octo. when you had him did you have any issues with it trying to escape? they are so darned intellegent!


New Member
Yep it porites. It was probably the 2nd piece I got. Here's a close up.

The octo never seemed all that interested in escape that we could tell. However it's certainly possible that it tried to do some exploring while we weren't looking. The bimac species seems less inclined to to try to escape as long as they're in a suitable sized tank with decent water quality. Of course we made it as escape-proof as possible.

Here's a couple pics of him. First one is him still pretty small, the second one is him full-grown.



New Member
He was easily the coolest pet I've ever had. I can't wait to order another one. I'm hoping to get the new lighting and canopies done for the tanks in the next couple weeks. After I give the tanks a few weeks to get used to the new lights I'll place the order. I just want to make sure I'm not fighting algae blooms or temp problems, it'll probably be sometime in January.



New Member
Thanks. I may have to look into another hosting site for my pics if I keep taking as many as I have the last couple of days.



New Member
Well for a year you can use for free, but they do limit the size that you can have, on the smallest you can have that is.

The company is in the business of printing pics for you, so they don't mind big, but you can't go to to small. for that wouldn't fit on a photo.

And if you order any printed pics (your pics that is) from them, then it get extended for longer.


New Member
I just upgraded my photobucket account. $25 per year for unlimited bandwidth, and an unlimited number of pics. You have to keep the pics under 500mb each, but that's still a great deal in my opinion. They're acccepting new free accounts as well again now. Although the hours that you can sign up are restricted. I've been using a free account for many months now and loved it, but with trying to help drum up business for our LFS and starting a couple image-intensive blogs it makes more sense for me to upgrade my account.