pics for jcs11236 (fragging zenia)



here are some zenia pics for you
I placed a rock next to the colony about a week ago when it was attached I took it out and cut it. This is the easiest way to ensure attachment, and I have never lost a colony doing this. The pics are not real good and they are out of order but you get the idea.




I only have three pieces of zenia ready to go but they will be available saturday, at drs fosters/smith frag swap if anyone out there is going to be there. I also have ast. shrooms, zoas, sarcos, lobo, sinularia, and capnella that I will be swapping/selling.


New Member
in the local area of Orange County or those from LA county who want to venture my way, I have a lot of redsea pulsating xenia that's been multiplying and pulsating like crazy that needs to be sold or go back to the LFS for credit. Same goes for green star polyps. That's also growing like crazy in my girlfriends tank as well.

Just putting it out there.

johnanddawn: very descriptive and nice pictures showing everything. Wish I was out in Wisconsin to take a look at the stuff you have for sale.


New Member
i have two different frags of xenia, i guess just common ones. my store i go to never has the redsea type.
im still alittle eary about buying online, just like to actually know and see what im buying. is there a season for the redsea type? i actually dont think i have ever seen them in any of the stores around my area.

heres a couple pics of mine...




Zenia is one of those corals where most people don't classify down to the species level because of the difficulty, and therefore use common names. I believe mine also to be "red sea pulsing zenia" and it does pulse all the time. Some people do confuse anthelia with zenia though. Seasonal?????? I don't know, mine are captive breed and are therefore available in small quantities year round.
Dragon, I would like to do the online swap thing one day - but thus far I have enough outlets that I don't need to. Shipping = headache ya know???? I just prefer trading locally, I really have some nice nano stuff going to this swap, maybe one day. Julian Sprung is talking at the dinner - kinda cool.

Sugar Magnolia

New Member
I have to laugh at this thread. Sorry johnnaddawn. :) I had a huge xenia problem in my cube a few years ago and was looking for ways to eradicate it. Joe's Juice works well, but a second application was needed to rid myself of the last of it.


Agreed SM - zenia can go crazy quick once you get it established, and I keep mine cut down to a colony or two. Its weird though some people can't keep it alive and others have to eradicate it. I like zenia, but I sure don't want a tank full of it either - therefore I frag it. But this is true of many corals. When I came home from my deployment the capnella owned half of a 6' 125. I had to get rid of 3 or 4 really nice rocks, and cut a bunch more to get it under control- that stuff grows like a weed in my tank. I've also had trouble in the past with GSP and mushrooms. Fragging and prunning is neccessary in a thriving tank, this keeps everyone in there place, and eliminates the need for joes juice. I think this is why I have to hold my toungue sometimes on this site, and try to encourage people I respond to to stick to a theme for a nano. When I see all those pics of tanks people just set up and fill to the brim with a variety of diferent types of corals, I have to wonder, sure they are beautiful but wheres the room for growth?

