PICO Question

Master Er

New Member
Lets say I have a 2.5 pico tank, and I plumbed a 5 gallon sump or fuge....would my 2.5 still be considered a Pico? After all there has been a 200% volume increase. Just curious.


New Member
yes and no not sure but your volume would be in the form of a sump I think that pico pertains just to the tank . It will be intresting to see how others think . :D

Master Er

New Member
Coz' for instance, I've read in a post of a 12DX with a 30 gallon sump (20 or 30)....I dont get it....would that still be considered a nano? :?:


New Member
I think that it refers to the size of the display tank not total as I said I rhink it will be interisting to see how others think but my opinion is yes it is still a pico tank


New Member
I always refer to the size of the tank in terms of the display volume. Its true that fuges or sumps increase volume but I've always just gone with the main display tank when discussing size, etc.

Master Er

New Member
Would that be a generalized opinion? Would others see it that way too? I'm really curious about it. Because I have a 2.5 which i'm setting up and was thinking of adding a sump to it. Since water volume would be much more important in terms of breathing water for the fish rather than space. Something like that.....dont know how to explain it.....sorry. Anyway, with a sump, my 2.5 wouldnt be a 2.5 in terms of volume.....I dont want to be fooling myself...."I have a 2.5 (actually its not) gallon tank!" Pardon me for my unheard of questions.