Photo Contest - Enter to win a float switch & gift cert!


New Member
Get your camera out and get ready for October's photo contest! Check out the Current Contests section for more information and details. Deadline to submit your photo is Oct 18, 2004.

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New Member
As of today, there are only five entries for the October Photo Contest. There's only about a week left to submit your photo by email so get them in soon!



New Member
I plan on emailing you my entry sometime tonight or tomorrow. I spent about 4hrs last night trying to figure out some of the more complicated settings on my camera. I really need to take a photography course. I think I took about 300 pics and only about 20 of them ended up worth a darn...
Of course only 1 or 2 of those were of anything green. Gonna play with it some more tonight. Hopefully I'll manage to get a couple I'm happy with to send to you.


New Member
Sounds great. Photography is fun but can be really frustrating sometimes especially when dealing with glass, glare, underwater critters not cooperating, etc. :smile:

Just a reminder, only one photo entry per member.

Keep them coming.


New Member
Here's a couple of shots I got last night that I was fairly happy with. I was thinking of entering the first one, but the true light green color of the coral didn't quite come through in the pic. After I started looking around in my tank I realized that I only have a few green pieces. Seems like a great excuse to go buy a neon green finger leather....."But Honey, I need it to enter the contest."




New Member
Is that a Catalina Goby in the last pic? Where'd you pick that up if you don't mind me asking?


New Member
Yep. I've got two of them in the 75. I picked them up at village tropical about 6 weeks ago. So far, so good. I tried them once before. I had a neon dottyback that took exception to their color scheme and killed them both. They don't have a great survival rate, due to the fact that they prefer cooler tanks. Mine hover about 75 now with no fans/chiller. That's just at the top of their tolerence. When I finally get the lights upgraded I'll have to put fans in the canopy and inside the stand blowing across the sump to try to keep the temp at 75 or below.



New Member
What is that in the middle picture? never seen anything like it before. All your pictures look awesome, by the way :applause:
What kind of camera do you have?


New Member
The middle pic is a tuxedo urchin. They like to pick up stuff and 'camoflage' themselves. It's been carrying this little strip of star polyps around for about 3 weeks. Doesn't seem to bother the polyps at all. Looks like an easter bonnet to me. :smile:

Thanks for the compliment. I just really started playing around with all the manual settings, and I'm enjoying it. The camera is an olympus 5050. I got it about a year ago. Overall it's a great camera to learn stuff on, however if I was going to get one today it'd be the olympus 8080. It's less than what I paid for the 5050 a year ago, it's 8mp instead of 5mp, and they use the same lenses for it that are used in the digital SLR cameras, by all reports/reviews it's VERY slick.